S4 is fine tuned to make box cutting easy, safe and comfortable , The guard also serves as a guide for executing the perfect cut every time, turning even a new-hire into an expert cutter instantly , The unique angle of the blade is set specifically to avoid damaging the contents within the box , For better retention, use with corresponding UKH-423 Safety Holster and CL-36 Lanyard Features , The fixed steel guard will not flex, bend, or break like other cutters and is designed to protect the user , The versatile S4 has three blade depth positions to increase efficiency; Top cut, shallow tray cut and deep cut , Users also find that utilizing the heavy duty tape splitter while opening boxes further prevents injuries and extends the life of the blades , Comfortable ergonomic design , Tool free blade change , Includes one SP-017 Safety Point Blade , Holds 5 additional blades , The S4 Safety Cutter is sold in green for right-handed users and red for left-handed users
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SKU: 60-S-4L
From £5.14 ex VAT
£6.17 inc VAT
(not including customisation)
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