Unfortunately likes, shares and corporate blog posts don’t feed hungry children. Becoming another brand to jump onto the latest hot topic, without lifting a finger, is not the way we do things at Industrial Workwear.
We’re as sickened by the news as the next person, children going hungry is not a headline anyone wants to read, that’s why we have managed to bundle together a shopping trolley worthy of Supermarket Sweep and we’re asking the local community to get involved too.

On Monday the team managed to drive a collection of [as of now] £200, between our 7 on-site staff and a donation directly from Industrial Workwear. If you want to get involved we have outlined our steps below and highly recommend anyone to get involved, even outside of half term, food banks are operating at never-seen-before levels.
- Find your local food bank or local lunchbox outlet, we used this list.
- Reach out to them to see if they are accepting donations (some businesses don’t!) and what they require
- Fund raising, the fun part!
- Go shopping (some organisations will prefer money, best to check).
- It would be good to do this regularly, stay in touch to see what essentials they require.
- Feel good 🙂
Our Key Account Manager, Molly, was trailing through Tesco and Aldi outside of work getting the best value for money. Go for the best value and not the best brands, they usually taste better anyways and get far more items for your money.
Ben joined to help with the heavy lifting and packaging (pictured below).

Our local food parcel organisation is Glenroyd House, you can find the lovely Sharon giving an overview of what they offer, it’s such a critical local service, relied on by a large network of people, any help will be vastly appreciated.